how to use my templates

these are designed to be easy to use and customize, so i have lists of everything you'll have to download. the codes are annotated with explanations. here are some tips to get you started:

  1. make a folder to download all of the files into. you can download them by clicking the links and using Ctrl+U to see the source code. from there, either use Ctrl+S to download the file, or copypaste everything into your own empty file with the same name
  2. open the folder in brackets
  3. fix the links (these ones all begin with /templates/[name of template]) so you'll have to adjust them to match the names of your folders
  4. if you're having trouble figuring out what certain parts of the code are, it helps to temporatily change the background colour of the div to a bold colour, so you can see exactly where it is located on your screen
  5. if you want to upload a file format that neocities doesn't support, you can use to host it

template i made for cate to share her comics

[live preview]

download all of the following:

i made this template for cate, but anyone can use it with credit!

please email if you want me to make a template for you. i'm still not very skilled, so this is good practice for me + a chance to try new things.